Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I have an instinct to switch on my others phone.. for a couple of week it was off.. And today, I feel I want to switch on it.. and I charged it... and I on it... I saw on that phone, 1 message received. VOICEMAIL. Ok, I ignore it.. I open it, it was his number... TEKEJUT ! oke ! Rasa berdebar pun ada.. mungkin lama xdengar suaranyaa.. Hmm.. then, I message him, using my other phone, "Did you call me last night".. After that, Wait & wait & wait.. No reply... Hmm.. xpaa.. aku daa biasaa semuaa 2... Then, I ignore my small phone, I went to bath, after that, I checked again, have 2 missed call.. OMG ! Lps 2, aku suruh dia call balek.. then he called me ! OMG ! "Salam" I MISS HIM ! :( lepas ckp beberapa saat ! ttbaa, xdapat dengar apaa dia ckp ! lepas check2... my phone rosak ! SIAL ! BUDUH ! But its oke, Im oke now... Better... dan number di dalam gambar ini terpksa di censored ! heee;)

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